I was wandering today: it's funny how everybody tries to push others to do what THEY think is the best for them. Like, in my whole life people mostly encouraged me to do things I didn't care for, butwhen I needed support for something I really wanted to do...none. Skepticism, disinterest, mistrust. Because the things I wanted to do were all useless and crazy.
I think, except a few lovely people and a pragmatic bitch, nobody has ever believed in me, not really the persons I needed to believe in me, when I needed it.
I mean nobody is ever going to give me the self-esteem I miss, that's why I'm building myself so that I'll be able to be proud of me, maybe, in the future.
I see my own flaws, bitches, I see all of them, while you don't. But I can see all my bright spots too, and again you don't. I'll give you sight, then.

I've been told that George Martin dedicated A Dance with Dragons to "the fabulous fans of Italy who gave me so much wine" :D I wrote on that wine box. Funny it is, that we gave him the wine in 2005...fast writer you are, uncle Georgie.
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